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The WWE is all about entertainment, but before entertainment comes rules. Please abide by the following rules.
1. No racial slurs in roleplays. You will be immediately released if I see anything that I deem offensive. This is wrong, and I do not want to see this.

2. Keep roleplays up and of decent quality. Roleplays filled with curse words or 10 lines long will not even be considered. Keep it in good taste, and keep it up. Remember: Quality, not quantity.

3. Please do not complain. If you lost a match you believed you should have one, it is probably for a purpose. IE: storyline. Please keep this fun for everybody.

4. Do NOT use other wrestler's in your roleplays until I see permission from them.

5. No killing, shooting, or supernatural occurences in roleplays please.

6. Let's make this as enjoyable as it can get. Treat others with respect.